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FRACTAL FOREST was born out of a need for healing and a desire to share the ecological intelligence and wisdom of the natural world. Every product that we offer has its genesis in our own healing journeys— the plants and superfoods we source  have all personally enhanced our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. These are plants we have journeyed with, plants we work with daily, plants we deeply understand, plants that have changed our lives. Our mission is to work in collaboration with Nature, our greatest teacher and muse. 


Founders Kayra Prentice and Xela Ray found solace and purpose in plants separately before uniting in Kauai to create FRACTAL FOREST. It is their intention to connect humanity with the living sentience that sustains all of life.


Xela Ray carries a sense of direction and form. His journey has led him to explore the realms of consciousness, resulting in the creation of companies that bring knowledge to humanity in a more tangible and understandable form.

Xela finds purpose through the art that he creates, bringing back pieces of truth that have helped him along his journey. To push forward a mission and purpose, to provide offerings that inspire, challenge, and evolve our understanding, and to help cultivate a future for our planet that sustains and prospers.

Kayra Prentice has immersed herself in the nuances and healing benefits of the natural world her entire life.

Connection to nature is at the core of her work. With a profound admiration for the botanical world, she is committed to forging meaningful relationship between humanity and the Earth.

She is continuously exploring and learning through the lens of plant medicine, formulating solutions with a focus on sustainability, efficacy, and integrity.

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